Saturday, March 21, 2009

it's cold in the shade, let's move to the sun

He set fire upon the house, so many told him to put it out and threw buckets of water. They had no doubt that the walls would burn down. " Put it out ! you're scorhcing yourself." And through all he stood , staying strong. The water was defeated by flames, and their shouts were consumed by his faith. Even if their intentions were what they thought were best for him, he couldn't live with always running from the fire. 
The next day the house was in ruins, as people walked by, they wondered with intense curiousity how possibly he could have put the raging fire out so quickly, and by himself, and so they brought the questions to him, and this is what he spoke, " I waited till the dawn in the earliest of hours of the morning, of the mourning, I waited till the fire decayed every wall, every molding, every door,  then i swallowed the flames, the fire now lives and grows and consumes all of me. This house is burnt down, for now it is a home. a home which i had lacked of for so long, My flesh is not scorched, nor is my tongue fried. My heart is on fire, and which was once a house, is now a home." 

i just felt like typing that. today was fine, can't complain ( = 
I'm looking forward to tomorrow though, going to ohop, cutting ryans hair, hopefully seeing chelsi dearest, youth, and whatever else comes up.

 I'm up for anything that happens unexpected.

i've really liked this song for quite a while, the original by damien rice is good to. i love playing it on piano.

sleep good ( =

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