Sunday, March 22, 2009

The sunlight pours from his face

when your body's so cold , but is sweating all the heat out of you, how just one hand upon your back quickly warms your veins and the heat just sinks through ,just that one place the heat hits it just makes you forget everywhere else your shivering. And you crave it. He's like wind. He's like rain. He's like fire. He is light. The sunlight pours from his face.

This day was nice. i got shoes at sum flea market for a dolla  = O yeh. The puppies there were ohmy adorable,  hopefully i can get one when we move in april = D

Especially this morning, was amazing. I went to Ohop with shawna and Trev. 
I cried waterfalls in praise and worship after the service, I lose myself in that.I love hearing peoples testimonies, and this guys was intense.
I feel beyond inspired , to go out and do amazing things in this world. I know what i'm meant to do, and it's my hearts desire to go after it in every way i can , dive all the way in. i'm so driven by this.
I want to see things , feel things i never knew.
We all have the ability to go out and do such amazing things, but i think sadly nuff so many people i feel waste time with jobs they hate, with not being heard, with selling themselves short for sumthing less than what they're capable of having and experiencing, with being safe or scared, or just being plain bored with their life and with anything.

-It's frustrating, when your whole day is sumtimes going so well, and you feel refreshed, and then you go to back the house, back to the yelling, or sumthing or sumone just cuts it deep enough to make it all feel like, the one actually satisfying day just got ruined, like the peace can never seem to keep up or stay with you.. and it gets frustrating when you feel so builded up ( i just said builded? ) , but at the end of the day something tries to come against that. 
But right at the point when i was about to lose it,  it hit me,  how i can't keep letting it take it away from me, or i'd never get anywhere. i'd just keep being built up, and torn down. and i was giving into , all those other days and moments i just let fly off the handle, when i could have made sumthing better of it. 
"They'll put all their efforts into stopping you".it's a choice and a split second to decide wether i'm going to defeat it, or let it swallow me. 

I just want to go everywhere .  So let's go .

and this is good music. 

( = later

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